Hover over any translator to learn more about them.

I was searching for family tree on the internet and when I found MyHeritage I got an email from a translations team member to join the Community.

It´s a pleasure and honor to be a part of MyHeritage Translator Community. I just want to help other people in their research.

I thought this would be a great opportunity to help other people, like me, that are researching their families history.

Myheritage has helped me discover the forgotten descendants of my relatives, after they departed to another continent. With my know-how, I want to help others to get a chance to feel this happiness. I am very proud to be part of the MyHeritage team!

I got an email asking me if i want to volunteer to the translations team.
With no hesitation I decided to volunteer to help the community!

As a genealogy lover, I started researching my ancestors a few years ago. Now, as a lover of the stories of our villages too, I decide to be part of the MyHeritage Translator Community so that more people can contribute to recovering our history.

I received a lot of support from the Community for researching my own family history. This is an opportunity to also contribute and help other Community members.

Being a translator means helping MyHeritage look respectable when it comes to the Croatian language. I made a family tree and noticed some inconsistencies in my language so I pointed them out to MyHeritage and soon got invited to join the Community.

Anna Milkman contacted me and asked me if I would be interested in doing translation work for MyHeritage. Being a translator at MyHeritage is a challenge for me. It helps me to practice my English and I'm helping people to have there answers in their language.

I want to have a quality product for tracking my family tree and history.

What drove me to join the Community is my interest in building my family tree and continuing to practice in the English language.

Being a MyHeritage translator is a honor. I really enjoy researching about my family history, finding out something new about my ancestors. And now, as a translator, I can help others enjoy it too.

I have a genuine interest in genealogy, know English well, and wanted to help make it available for Norwegians by helping to translate. Being a translator at MyHeritage is rewarding

With MyHeritage I found out that the way you express something might be perceived very differently depending on the reader So, when writing, it takes a lot of thinking to figure out the best way to convey the desired meaning.

I was contacted by the translation team after I reported some issues with the Italian translation and I gladly accepted their invitation. I'm happy I can contribute to this community by making it more accessible to Italian users.

When I started researching my family history, I was looking for a platform for my family tree. I came across MyHeritage, which was something new in Finland. I found lots of mistakes in the translations, so I wrote to Support explaining the situation and I was asked to help out.

A member of the translations team contacted me by email as she saw I was actively building my family tree, and asked me to help if I wanted to. Of course I was very pleased to! I enjoy being able to use my computer in my own language. That is why I am very happy to help.

I used to be a military officer. One of my personal values always was the ability and willingness to learn, think independently, and turn all of this into benefits for others. Therefore, without any doubt, I took the chance to volunteer for MyHeritage.

I started to build my family tree and found MyHeritage, so I wanted to contribute.

I commented on the Dutch text of an email I received and was then asked to join the translator team. Serves me well. It's challenging to be a MyHeritage translator.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a good opportunity to learn more about translations, genealogical terminology, to know one of the best translations teams in the world and to introduce in my country the best tool to build your family tree in our language.

I find it very rewarding when I can help someone forward in their genealogy studies. So I thought that volunteering as a translator would be fun and I could learn something new.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a honor and an opportunity to make the world's best service for family history research accessible to all Ukrainian users in their native language.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a chance to make genealogy more accessible to the citizens of my country.

In my daily work in an international environment I read, write and speak English all day. MyHeritage is a great company for my hobby and therefore I decided to help them with translations to make their services even better.

After being an active user of MyHeritage and FTB for more than 10 years, I am happy to join the translation community. I hope I can contribute in getting great genealogy tool’s even better and available for more people.

I am a foreign languages student at the University of Zagreb. My native language is Croatian. I also speak fluent English, French and German. I have two passions : languages and history, specifically family history. MyHeritage has helped me trace many family members.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is great, beeing able to make MyHeritage better for fellow Norwegian.

Genealogy means tracing ancestors but also finding many friends along the way. I joined the MyHeritage Translator Community because I wanted to help create an online space where all of my family and I could celebrate our heritage… in our native language!

I've been doing my genealogy search for many years and MyHeritage is one of my most useful tools. When I found out about the translation opportunity, I thought I could help to make MyHeritage reach as many people as possible as a return for all the useful data they gave me.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a good way to keep up my brain and my language skills.

I am very interested in both languages and genealogy and being a translator for MyHeritage is a perfect fit for me.

Since the year 2014, when I started building my family tree, I have been very active on MyHeritage. The Translations team then offered me to join the volunteer translators and to do translations in Polish, my mother tongue. I responded favorably and our collaboration started in early 2016.

I’m a hi-tech person, managing my forest of family trees for more than 25 years. Looking forward to working with MyHeritage on the translation subject.

With MyHeritage, I found out that I have many important ancestors, perhaps 'till the foundation of my country.

I heard about volunteering as a translator through a notice on a genealogy forum.

I'm a graphic designer. I've joined the Translator Community, as I wanted people around the world to feel more connected to their heritage and understand themselves more. I'd like people to be able to track their past, so they can preserve family stories.

I am pensioner, 72 years old. All my life I worked as an architect - urban planner. Married, 2 children, 1 grandson. Wide amount of hobbies :-)

About 15 years ago I started to learn how to read and translate Polish and Russian parish records. I transcribe years of church books from Middle Poland from the 19th and 20th century. I am also able to read old German handwriting.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is acquiring knowledge about the translations system and genealogy.

My intention was to help and serve. I'm passionate about genealogy and research. I knew MyHeritage and started to build my Family Tree. One day, I received the invitation: if I could help in the translation for MyHeritage from English to Spanish and I accepted and it's very satisfying!

Life is like ice cream - enjoy it before it melts! Leave something behind you! The best you can leave is your children so the story continues...

I always loved what is old and has an history to be discovered. It is amazing to realize that we all are the result of the previous centuries. I have grown my tree for several years, and it is made of more than 1000 direct ancestors so far.

It's a pleasure to be part of the MyHeritage Translator Community.

I thought it'd be interesting to do translations for the best company in the world in the subject of one of my favorite hobbies: genealogy. I regularly work doing professional translations from English and French to Spanish.

When working with translations, I get "behind the stage" and learn a lot about the website while maintaining and improving my language skills.

I joined the Translation team after attending the Amsterdam meeting in 2019. After I retired in May 2019 I’ve enjoyed spending time finding relatives in many countries. Since my father was adopted, I’ve struggled a lot finding relatives on his side, but the DNA test solved a lot of issues, and now I have found a lot of relatives through MyHeritage.

I started to work on my genealogy about 13 years ago and since then I have become a huge genealogy lover. When I was asked to join the MyHeritage Translator Community I felt honored to be a part of something amazing and as big as MyHeritage.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is fun and helps getting the translation right!

I noticed issues with the Romanian version and just dropped them an email asking if they needed my help.

I was born in Brazil and I am a retired electronic engineer. I have been using MyHeritage for several years and I already have a tree of more than 1000 family members. To help other families, I decided to make translations for MyHeritage. It is very pleasant to know that I can help other people. I like to travel and that's why I'm living in Portugal right now. I hope to meet everyone on my travels.

With MyHeritage, I found out that a lot of people are researching their family history and combining all that energy creates a very powerful movement to reveal long hidden secrets.

When I started my family tree in MyHeritage I found that it was available in more than 30 languages, but not in my native language, Afrikaans. I thought: I have the time and the skills so why not do something that can benefit all MyHeritage Afrikaans users?

The history of our ancestors has always fascinated me, so I decided to build my family tree to understand where I came from. Portuguese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, reason why I offer my services, as a volunteer translator.

I was curious about how the translation of a portal as big as MyHeritage works, and I wanted to help to improve Italian translations.

Type designer and a historical researcher of communities in the Venice Lagoon, particularly for the island of Murano.

I'm a history lover and amateur genealogy researcher from Greece. I studied telecommunications engineering and in my spare time, I enjoy cycling, travelling and outdoor activities. I'm very grateful for being part of the MyHeritage Translator Community.

I'm passionate about genealogy and research. I thought it'd be interesting to help one of the best companies. I regularly work doing professional translations from German and English to Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.

I already had my Family Tree at MyHeritage and then I saw that one can join the translation community, so I asked if I could join and the answer was yes. Being a translator at MyHeritage is a great honor!

I became interested in genealogy several years ago. After testing different platforms, I chose MyHeritage as the best one. I’m happy to be part of the MyHeritage community and
hope our efforts will help others to find more about their ancestors.

I will be very happy if my little contribution helps to improve the Catalan version of MyHeritage.

I've investigated my Family Tree since 1991. When it became more usance to find information on the Internet, I joined MyHeritage and Family Tree Builder. I am happy to provide my translation skills to MH and my English vocabulary is increasing while doing.

I am happy I found MyHeritage some years ago and could get a lot of new information about my relatives. I would like to help other Latvians to use it in our nice language.

I've been researching my family tree since 2010 and am still discovering new family members each day. Helping people with their research or through a translation is something that ties the community together.

I grew up in Costa Rica. I have lived in 5 different countries and speak 4 languages.
I'm happy to be a part of the MyHeritage Translator Community.

I noticed an invitation and got interested. And, as a side effect, I learn a lot of new things, since I have to read texts (and translate them) that I might not have spent time on otherwise. With MyHeritage, I found out in a practical way that humanity is interconnected.

I am very happy to help make MyHeritage more available for Norwegian users, and I learn a lot myself. I was asked by MyHeritage to become a translator. Being a translator at MyHeritage is very interesting and useful!

I'm responsible for my native (Slovenian) language for MyHeritage and I aim to create a nice language as much as possible whilst making the content precise and correct.

I joined the translator community to take advantage of a a free MyHeritage site subscription :)

I have been interested in my family history since childhood. I am also interested in history in general and MyHeritage provides a wonderful source of interesting information.

With a strong interest in both genealogy and languages, being a translator for MyHeritage suits me perfectly, while also grants me the opportunity to improve on a service I've likely spent hundreds of hours using.

I became a volunteer in the context of creating our Family Tree from the MyHeritage FTB program and through interaction with a Translation Team member. Being a translator at MyHeritage is an honor.

I was looking for a tool to build a family tree and came across the MyHeritage web page. There was a demand for volunteer translators and I thought I could contribute. That was probably my first commitment to volunteer work of any scale.

I have been helping people for years with their family history. When I learnt about all the new tools MyHeritage was planning, I just had to join! And share in my own language.

I love discovering my family history on MyHeritage and I want to wish this joy to other fans of family trees in the Slovak language, too.

After my retirement, I found out that MyHeritage was looking for translators, which I wanted to try.

It makes me happy to enable fellow Latvians to use great IT solutions in our native language. MyHeritage is both interesting and useful and I am looking forward to making it even more accessible.

I was invited. I found it interesting and very much in my area of interest. Apparently I passed a test task (not called so) and here I am. Being a translator at MyHeritage is challenging in various aspects, but always gratifying.

With a keen interest in genealogy and a desire to help others, I jumped at the opportunity to become part of this community

In my daily work I use applications in English and did so, at first, with MyHeritage. When I switched to Swedish I didn't find it useful and the alternative was to switch back or help out. Guess what I did :)

I looked for a good genealogy tool and found that many Latvians are using it. So I decided to volunteer to facilitate work with the programe.

Two things drove me to join the Community — the Polish translation of the website was not very good (I think I'm a purist) and willingness to get a free subscription :)

Started using Family Tree Builder and wanted to use it in my native language. Translated FTB and when this project was finished a member of the Translations Team asked me if I wanted to translate web pages as well. I agreed and am still translating to this day.

Being a translator on MyHeritage is a challenge and at the same time a health treatment, because it keeps a part of my brain active which otherwise could have died.

Some people say that you need to chase the luck if you want to get it. Maybe it was like this also with this role. In the past, I wanted to do it as full time job. But doing it for the passion is bit more interesting.

Simply wrote a line to one of the Translations team members and off we went. Why, I can't even remember, but probably I had questions about something in FTB. Early days and not everything was translated. Being a translator at MyHeritage is educational.

I was born and raised in Romania and I live in Germany for 11 years. I translate into Romanian for 5 years, I love music and genealogy, I like to do research on my ancestors in the archive of Romania where everything is on old paper and in dark rooms.

When I started my family tree, I had only very limited knowledge of my ancestors. With MyHeritage I have made many exiting and surprising discoveries. Now I know where my forefathers are coming from. I recommended MyHeritage to many of my acquaintances.

I am very excited to explore our family history and look for my ancestors. Being a translator on MyHeritage is one way of supporting the community in the search for their ancestors in their native language.

I enjoy being part in such projects, so helping others with my knowledge makes me feel good.

One of the MyHeritage Translations team members sent me an email after she found that I spent most of my time with my family tree. It;s funny to be a translator!

I used MyHeritage for years, and sent feedback mails each time I saw translation errors, so someone proposed me to join the translator community. I am trying to make the site easier to use for everyone.

I am honored to help the community. I like to search for the history of my family, this way I will be able to contribute with something.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is an honor for me! With MyHeritage, I found out that genealogy really connects the world.

I am a beginner in genealogy (been active since Spring of 2020) and find it very exciting not to know what emerges. I am thorough and look forward to giving Swedish-speaking users as good a translation as possible.

It is important to me that while working with genealogy, I treat my ancestors with respect - and part of that is decent language and correct spelling and grammar. I am happy to help making sure that MyHeritage, as the main tool for my genealogy, lives up to that in my language.

My own MyHeritage family tree drove me to join the Community. Glad to be chosen! MyHeritage is a big enrichment for my family feeling.

I found a great place for discovering family history, and I wanted to make it usable in my language, so I became a part of an amazing translator community. Helping with translations is a unique opportunity for me, especially when it benefits the Serbian users.

I've been doing genealogy for over 20 years and MyHeritage has allowed me to find my roots and cousins in many countries. I am excited to be part of this project and join the MyHeritage team!

I was contacted by someone from MyHeritage to join the Community and I was immediately interested!

I became a MyHeritage translator with the aim of contributing for better wording.

Being a translator is an opportunity and an interesting change during a busy day. I also better understand how to make a professionally good marketing communication with the customers to whom the various products are addressed.

I started volunteering when I created a tree for my mother. I couldn't do it in Spanish as we speak Catalan. I told MyHeritage and they said I could start translating into Catalan so that people in my country would have a translation in their language. They were right!

Mother. Animal lover. Charity runner.
Retired from the private sector because of the pandemic.
Rare disease (systemic scleroderma) patient.
Patient association member and Rare Disease Network representative.

Genealogy is my passion and translating for MyHeritage it’s a great challenge for me.

I started researching my family years ago, and have spent a lot of time in MyHeritage. It has helped me a lot! Many of my relatives don’t know English to join me in the research. I wanted to be able to help translate MyHeritage to our native language.

I am happy to be part of the MyHeritage Translators community and assist in making the product more acceptable to my family and others here in Lithuania.

Our family is relatively large and we speak several foreign languages during the reunion. It is exciting to build a family tree and get to know more distant relatives with whom we form a blood community. MyHeritage is an excellent tool for this activity.

I have been using MyHeritage for several years.
I thank MyHeritage for giving me the opportunity to join the Translator Community so that altogether will assist thousands of people to find their ancestors and their relatives.

Genealogy is a fantastic experience. To look behind means to understand better what we have, who we are and what we do everyday. It sends you to your origins and makes you feel you are part of all those people.

I translated movie subtitles years ago, so it seemed natural to me to become a translator at MyHeritage, once I started to build my family tree.

My great interest in genealogy research using MyHeritage made it very easy for me to join the Translations Community. I believe it's an important work.

MyHeritage helped me bring together a dozen relatives with a common goal: build and save our history. Joining the translators is a way to help not only my family members, but all members of my country to have the same joy in their own language.

I have been an active MyHeritage member since 2010 and I am glad in 2022 to get an invitation to join the big translators group!

I love to help sharing things in my language. I became a translator when I sent an e-mail where I reported a translation error so they asked me if I wanted to become a translator and I accepted. Being a translator at MyHeritage is something awesome and interesting.

I discovered Family Tree Builder from MyHeritage and the Catalan language was not available. That is why I offered to do the translation.

MyHeritage has provided me with a lot of useful information about my ancestors. By joining the team of translators, I hope to help other users find their roots.

I'm happy to be a member in MyHeritage family which I use some years with my great family in israel and abroad.
I'm glad to join the big translators group and in my case to Hebrew.

Born in Nijmegen (NL), I spent nearly 30 years abroad (DE, CH, and ES). As a retired founder/CEO of an international translation agency, I now live in North-Brabant, birth ground to 80 percent of my ancestors. I devote my time to writing non/fiction.

Being a translator is being part of the wonderful MyHeritage family. We all have the same goal in mind and that's what's making MyHeritage a bit better every day! When I saw the possibility to sign up as a volunteer I took the chance! I love being part of the MyHeritage Community and contributing in my own way.

I think I was contacted by telephone and I immediately accepted the offer to become a volunteer translator in order to improve my knowledge of MyHeritage features. Being a translator at MyHeritage is an exciting experience!

I was asked by one of the Translations team members to become a volunteer.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is rewarding.

I like that MyHeritage allows people to create a family tree in their language. I hope to help improve the Slovak version of MyHeritage and, thus, my pedigree.

I was contacted by the MyHeritage Translation team in 2012, who saw that I was an active user on the site. They invited me to help with Danish translations, and I have done that ever since.

I have been a voluntary translator for MyHeritage since 2014, and hopefully, this work has reflected the fact that I am a professional journalist and translator. I've always enjoyed translating for MH and keeping in close contact with the Translation Team.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a way to learn a lot about genealogy and also a very pleasant hobby.

I had a couple of comments about the Czech translations and then I was approached to help with the translations. Being a translator at MyHeritage is to be on the right place for the right thing.

I started a family tree project for myself, and found the FTB pretty useful. I then contacted MyHeritage with the aim of correcting the FTB reports.

There are not that many applications that help you do something as meaningful as help investigate one's past and show us how interconnected we all are. MyHeritage is constantly reminding me of important things in life.

Joining the MyHeritage Translations Community was very useful to me, for my research and to gain new experience.

I immediately realized that MyHeritage genealogy adventures in our country will be much easier for Czech people in their native language. As English is one of my hobbies, I offered my hand to MyHeritage with translations!

I found information about the Community on the MyHeritage website so I thought I could help other Russian users to use MyHeritage in a more friendly way and I decided to join the Community. Now I'm very proud to be a part of it. It also helps me to practice my English.

An Architect with a great passion for history and a better knowledge of "his-story" more likely their stories. Since 2007 do my best not only for MyHeritage content with increasing Slovak docs, but also for people looking for their own roots in this story.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a privilege that I can correct used expressions to better ones anytime.

Being a translator at MyHeritage is my little contribution to worldwide community of volunteer translators who helps reuniting relatives and families separated due to economic emigrations, wars and continuously geopolitical border changing.

I find it challenging but also meaningful to be a translator at MyHeritage.

One day, while doing my family research, I came across a Russian phrase on the website that looked strange to a native speaker. I realized I might be helpful as a volunteer for the site that has given me so much all these years.

I learned English for about 10 years and have some experience in translating in many sport events in Croatia. For many years I organized the transportation of athletes from all over the world to various sports competitions in Croatia.

MyHeritage helped me put together a family tree in a couple of weeks that I had been unsuccessfully trying to organize for a few years. I will help MyHeritage to switch Serbian from Latin script to official Cyrillic script. If Google can do it, so can we.

I have been researching my family roots for more than a decade. I have found a lot of help with this activity through MyHeritage and now I am happy to help others as a member of the Translators' Team. It is an honor for me, too.

I was searching for family tree on the internet and when I found MyHeritage I got an email from a translations team member to join the Community.
Adel Shawky Abou Hussien

It´s a pleasure and honor to be a part of MyHeritage Translator Community. I just want to help other people in their research.
Adriána Šindleryová

I thought this would be a great opportunity to help other people, like me, that are researching their families history.
Airton Minchoni
Portuguese - Brazil

Myheritage has helped me discover the forgotten descendants of my relatives, after they departed to another continent. With my know-how, I want to help others to get a chance to feel this happiness. I am very proud to be part of the MyHeritage team!
Aleš Miklavc

I got an email asking me if i want to volunteer to the translations team.
With no hesitation I decided to volunteer to help the community!
Alon Tsur

As a genealogy lover, I started researching my ancestors a few years ago. Now, as a lover of the stories of our villages too, I decide to be part of the MyHeritage Translator Community so that more people can contribute to recovering our history.
Álvaro Sáez

Amílcar Monge da Silva
Portuguese - Portugal

I received a lot of support from the Community for researching my own family history. This is an opportunity to also contribute and help other Community members.
Ana Glavce

Being a translator means helping MyHeritage look respectable when it comes to the Croatian language. I made a family tree and noticed some inconsistencies in my language so I pointed them out to MyHeritage and soon got invited to join the Community.
Ana Majnarić

Anna Milkman contacted me and asked me if I would be interested in doing translation work for MyHeritage. Being a translator at MyHeritage is a challenge for me. It helps me to practice my English and I'm helping people to have there answers in their language.
André Francoeur

I want to have a quality product for tracking my family tree and history.
Andrew Tereshko

What drove me to join the Community is my interest in building my family tree and continuing to practice in the English language.
Angelika Richter

Being a MyHeritage translator is a honor. I really enjoy researching about my family history, finding out something new about my ancestors. And now, as a translator, I can help others enjoy it too.
Aniko Minkone Knobl

I have a genuine interest in genealogy, know English well, and wanted to help make it available for Norwegians by helping to translate. Being a translator at MyHeritage is rewarding
Ann Hedvig Øvsthus

With MyHeritage I found out that the way you express something might be perceived very differently depending on the reader So, when writing, it takes a lot of thinking to figure out the best way to convey the desired meaning.
Anna Pentheroudaki

I was contacted by the translation team after I reported some issues with the Italian translation and I gladly accepted their invitation. I'm happy I can contribute to this community by making it more accessible to Italian users.
Annarosa Agarossi

When I started researching my family history, I was looking for a platform for my family tree. I came across MyHeritage, which was something new in Finland. I found lots of mistakes in the translations, so I wrote to Support explaining the situation and I was asked to help out.
Annikka Heikura

A member of the translations team contacted me by email as she saw I was actively building my family tree, and asked me to help if I wanted to. Of course I was very pleased to! I enjoy being able to use my computer in my own language. That is why I am very happy to help.
Antal Toth

I used to be a military officer. One of my personal values always was the ability and willingness to learn, think independently, and turn all of this into benefits for others. Therefore, without any doubt, I took the chance to volunteer for MyHeritage.
Antanas Jucius

I started to build my family tree and found MyHeritage, so I wanted to contribute.
Anton Colom

I commented on the Dutch text of an email I received and was then asked to join the translator team. Serves me well. It's challenging to be a MyHeritage translator.
Anton Versteeg

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a good opportunity to learn more about translations, genealogical terminology, to know one of the best translations teams in the world and to introduce in my country the best tool to build your family tree in our language.

I find it very rewarding when I can help someone forward in their genealogy studies. So I thought that volunteering as a translator would be fun and I could learn something new.
Ari Kannisto

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a honor and an opportunity to make the world's best service for family history research accessible to all Ukrainian users in their native language.
Artem Polivanchuk

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a chance to make genealogy more accessible to the citizens of my country.
Arthur Aloshyn

In my daily work in an international environment I read, write and speak English all day. MyHeritage is a great company for my hobby and therefore I decided to help them with translations to make their services even better.
Arthur Fickel

After being an active user of MyHeritage and FTB for more than 10 years, I am happy to join the translation community. I hope I can contribute in getting great genealogy tool’s even better and available for more people.
Arvid Bjarne Frøyrak Høyland

I am a foreign languages student at the University of Zagreb. My native language is Croatian. I also speak fluent English, French and German. I have two passions : languages and history, specifically family history. MyHeritage has helped me trace many family members.
Barbara Skendrović

Bjarne Thostrup

Being a translator at MyHeritage is great, beeing able to make MyHeritage better for fellow Norwegian.
Bjørn Joar Jensen

Genealogy means tracing ancestors but also finding many friends along the way. I joined the MyHeritage Translator Community because I wanted to help create an online space where all of my family and I could celebrate our heritage… in our native language!
Blagovesta Todorova

I've been doing my genealogy search for many years and MyHeritage is one of my most useful tools. When I found out about the translation opportunity, I thought I could help to make MyHeritage reach as many people as possible as a return for all the useful data they gave me.
Carlos Hernández

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a good way to keep up my brain and my language skills.
Carsten Ekelund

I am very interested in both languages and genealogy and being a translator for MyHeritage is a perfect fit for me.
Cecilia Olbin Gard

Since the year 2014, when I started building my family tree, I have been very active on MyHeritage. The Translations team then offered me to join the volunteer translators and to do translations in Polish, my mother tongue. I responded favorably and our collaboration started in early 2016.
Christophe Wdzieczkowski

I’m a hi-tech person, managing my forest of family trees for more than 25 years. Looking forward to working with MyHeritage on the translation subject.
David Margalit

Dennis Mouritzen

With MyHeritage, I found out that I have many important ancestors, perhaps 'till the foundation of my country.
Diogo Vasconcellos e Sá
Portuguese - Portugal

I heard about volunteering as a translator through a notice on a genealogy forum.
Dominik Matus

I'm a graphic designer. I've joined the Translator Community, as I wanted people around the world to feel more connected to their heritage and understand themselves more. I'd like people to be able to track their past, so they can preserve family stories.
Dorota Szarnowska

I am pensioner, 72 years old. All my life I worked as an architect - urban planner. Married, 2 children, 1 grandson. Wide amount of hobbies :-)
Dušan Kostovský

About 15 years ago I started to learn how to read and translate Polish and Russian parish records. I transcribe years of church books from Middle Poland from the 19th and 20th century. I am also able to read old German handwriting.
Edelgard Strobel

Being a translator at MyHeritage is acquiring knowledge about the translations system and genealogy.
Einar Røed

My intention was to help and serve. I'm passionate about genealogy and research. I knew MyHeritage and started to build my Family Tree. One day, I received the invitation: if I could help in the translation for MyHeritage from English to Spanish and I accepted and it's very satisfying!
Elias Faour

Life is like ice cream - enjoy it before it melts! Leave something behind you! The best you can leave is your children so the story continues...
Elīna Masteiko

I always loved what is old and has an history to be discovered. It is amazing to realize that we all are the result of the previous centuries. I have grown my tree for several years, and it is made of more than 1000 direct ancestors so far.
Elvis Piovani

It's a pleasure to be part of the MyHeritage Translator Community.
Ema Baneviciene

I thought it'd be interesting to do translations for the best company in the world in the subject of one of my favorite hobbies: genealogy. I regularly work doing professional translations from English and French to Spanish.
Enrique Finot

When working with translations, I get "behind the stage" and learn a lot about the website while maintaining and improving my language skills.
Erik Kjær

I joined the Translation team after attending the Amsterdam meeting in 2019. After I retired in May 2019 I’ve enjoyed spending time finding relatives in many countries. Since my father was adopted, I’ve struggled a lot finding relatives on his side, but the DNA test solved a lot of issues, and now I have found a lot of relatives through MyHeritage.
Erik Kristoffersen

I started to work on my genealogy about 13 years ago and since then I have become a huge genealogy lover. When I was asked to join the MyHeritage Translator Community I felt honored to be a part of something amazing and as big as MyHeritage.
Ester Ritter

Being a translator at MyHeritage is fun and helps getting the translation right!
Eva Kristoffersen

I noticed issues with the Romanian version and just dropped them an email asking if they needed my help.
Florin Burcă

I was born in Brazil and I am a retired electronic engineer. I have been using MyHeritage for several years and I already have a tree of more than 1000 family members. To help other families, I decided to make translations for MyHeritage. It is very pleasant to know that I can help other people. I like to travel and that's why I'm living in Portugal right now. I hope to meet everyone on my travels.
Francisco Miranda
Portuguese - Brazil

With MyHeritage, I found out that a lot of people are researching their family history and combining all that energy creates a very powerful movement to reveal long hidden secrets.
Frank Maas

Frans Langen

When I started my family tree in MyHeritage I found that it was available in more than 30 languages, but not in my native language, Afrikaans. I thought: I have the time and the skills so why not do something that can benefit all MyHeritage Afrikaans users?
Gerald Dixon van Eeden

The history of our ancestors has always fascinated me, so I decided to build my family tree to understand where I came from. Portuguese is one of the most widely spoken languages in the world, reason why I offer my services, as a volunteer translator.
Germano Couto
Portuguese - Portugal

I was curious about how the translation of a portal as big as MyHeritage works, and I wanted to help to improve Italian translations.
Giacomo Ricca

Type designer and a historical researcher of communities in the Venice Lagoon, particularly for the island of Murano.
Giangiorgio Fuga

I'm a history lover and amateur genealogy researcher from Greece. I studied telecommunications engineering and in my spare time, I enjoy cycling, travelling and outdoor activities. I'm very grateful for being part of the MyHeritage Translator Community.
Giannis Sarafis

I'm passionate about genealogy and research. I thought it'd be interesting to help one of the best companies. I regularly work doing professional translations from German and English to Spanish and Brazilian Portuguese.
Gonzalo Villarreal y Della Rocca

I already had my Family Tree at MyHeritage and then I saw that one can join the translation community, so I asked if I could join and the answer was yes. Being a translator at MyHeritage is a great honor!
Hajnalka Kis

I became interested in genealogy several years ago. After testing different platforms, I chose MyHeritage as the best one. I’m happy to be part of the MyHeritage community and
hope our efforts will help others to find more about their ancestors.
Henrikas Kasparavicius

I will be very happy if my little contribution helps to improve the Catalan version of MyHeritage.

I've investigated my Family Tree since 1991. When it became more usance to find information on the Internet, I joined MyHeritage and Family Tree Builder. I am happy to provide my translation skills to MH and my English vocabulary is increasing while doing.
Ies Biekart

I am happy I found MyHeritage some years ago and could get a lot of new information about my relatives. I would like to help other Latvians to use it in our nice language.
Inese Incenberga

I've been researching my family tree since 2010 and am still discovering new family members each day. Helping people with their research or through a translation is something that ties the community together.
Ingrid Bos

I grew up in Costa Rica. I have lived in 5 different countries and speak 4 languages.
I'm happy to be a part of the MyHeritage Translator Community.
Ivannia Diaz

I noticed an invitation and got interested. And, as a side effect, I learn a lot of new things, since I have to read texts (and translate them) that I might not have spent time on otherwise. With MyHeritage, I found out in a practical way that humanity is interconnected.
Jan Cederlund

I am very happy to help make MyHeritage more available for Norwegian users, and I learn a lot myself. I was asked by MyHeritage to become a translator. Being a translator at MyHeritage is very interesting and useful!
Jan Christian Ødegaard

I'm responsible for my native (Slovenian) language for MyHeritage and I aim to create a nice language as much as possible whilst making the content precise and correct.
Janko Premelč

I joined the translator community to take advantage of a a free MyHeritage site subscription :)
Janusz Łukasiak

I have been interested in my family history since childhood. I am also interested in history in general and MyHeritage provides a wonderful source of interesting information.
Jelena Rožić

With a strong interest in both genealogy and languages, being a translator for MyHeritage suits me perfectly, while also grants me the opportunity to improve on a service I've likely spent hundreds of hours using.
Joakim Klevmo Hansen

I became a volunteer in the context of creating our Family Tree from the MyHeritage FTB program and through interaction with a Translation Team member. Being a translator at MyHeritage is an honor.
John Gurukkalmal

I was looking for a tool to build a family tree and came across the MyHeritage web page. There was a demand for volunteer translators and I thought I could contribute. That was probably my first commitment to volunteer work of any scale.
Josip Maurovich

I have been helping people for years with their family history. When I learnt about all the new tools MyHeritage was planning, I just had to join! And share in my own language.
Justine Berlière

I love discovering my family history on MyHeritage and I want to wish this joy to other fans of family trees in the Slovak language, too.
Kamil Lipták

Kata Ihász

After my retirement, I found out that MyHeritage was looking for translators, which I wanted to try.
Kees Vork

It makes me happy to enable fellow Latvians to use great IT solutions in our native language. MyHeritage is both interesting and useful and I am looking forward to making it even more accessible.
Kristofers Celms

I was invited. I found it interesting and very much in my area of interest. Apparently I passed a test task (not called so) and here I am. Being a translator at MyHeritage is challenging in various aspects, but always gratifying.
Kurt Vykruta

With a keen interest in genealogy and a desire to help others, I jumped at the opportunity to become part of this community
Kyrre M. Sveen

In my daily work I use applications in English and did so, at first, with MyHeritage. When I switched to Swedish I didn't find it useful and the alternative was to switch back or help out. Guess what I did :)
Lars Merling

I looked for a good genealogy tool and found that many Latvians are using it. So I decided to volunteer to facilitate work with the programe.
Lita Stauvere

Two things drove me to join the Community — the Polish translation of the website was not very good (I think I'm a purist) and willingness to get a free subscription :)
Marcin Hippe

Started using Family Tree Builder and wanted to use it in my native language. Translated FTB and when this project was finished a member of the Translations Team asked me if I wanted to translate web pages as well. I agreed and am still translating to this day.
Mārcis Beržinskis

Being a translator on MyHeritage is a challenge and at the same time a health treatment, because it keeps a part of my brain active which otherwise could have died.
Maria Teresa Bijos
Portuguese - Brazil

Some people say that you need to chase the luck if you want to get it. Maybe it was like this also with this role. In the past, I wanted to do it as full time job. But doing it for the passion is bit more interesting.
Marian Pavla

Simply wrote a line to one of the Translations team members and off we went. Why, I can't even remember, but probably I had questions about something in FTB. Early days and not everything was translated. Being a translator at MyHeritage is educational.
Marianne Titze

I was born and raised in Romania and I live in Germany for 11 years. I translate into Romanian for 5 years, I love music and genealogy, I like to do research on my ancestors in the archive of Romania where everything is on old paper and in dark rooms.
Marius Baniceru

When I started my family tree, I had only very limited knowledge of my ancestors. With MyHeritage I have made many exiting and surprising discoveries. Now I know where my forefathers are coming from. I recommended MyHeritage to many of my acquaintances.
Marjut Siermala

I am very excited to explore our family history and look for my ancestors. Being a translator on MyHeritage is one way of supporting the community in the search for their ancestors in their native language.
Martin Kovár

I enjoy being part in such projects, so helping others with my knowledge makes me feel good.
Martin Szota

One of the MyHeritage Translations team members sent me an email after she found that I spent most of my time with my family tree. It;s funny to be a translator!
Matti Kujala

I used MyHeritage for years, and sent feedback mails each time I saw translation errors, so someone proposed me to join the translator community. I am trying to make the site easier to use for everyone.
Max Gorobchuk

I am honored to help the community. I like to search for the history of my family, this way I will be able to contribute with something.
Michal Sihelský

Being a translator at MyHeritage is an honor for me! With MyHeritage, I found out that genealogy really connects the world.
Miha Rus

I am a beginner in genealogy (been active since Spring of 2020) and find it very exciting not to know what emerges. I am thorough and look forward to giving Swedish-speaking users as good a translation as possible.
Mikael Tjernström

It is important to me that while working with genealogy, I treat my ancestors with respect - and part of that is decent language and correct spelling and grammar. I am happy to help making sure that MyHeritage, as the main tool for my genealogy, lives up to that in my language.
Miki Vikkelsø

My own MyHeritage family tree drove me to join the Community. Glad to be chosen! MyHeritage is a big enrichment for my family feeling.
Milan Šoba

I found a great place for discovering family history, and I wanted to make it usable in my language, so I became a part of an amazing translator community. Helping with translations is a unique opportunity for me, especially when it benefits the Serbian users.
Miroslav Loci

I've been doing genealogy for over 20 years and MyHeritage has allowed me to find my roots and cousins in many countries. I am excited to be part of this project and join the MyHeritage team!
Nicolas Rebours

I was contacted by someone from MyHeritage to join the Community and I was immediately interested!
Nicole Motsch

I became a MyHeritage translator with the aim of contributing for better wording.

Being a translator is an opportunity and an interesting change during a busy day. I also better understand how to make a professionally good marketing communication with the customers to whom the various products are addressed.
Nikos Pentheroudakis

I started volunteering when I created a tree for my mother. I couldn't do it in Spanish as we speak Catalan. I told MyHeritage and they said I could start translating into Catalan so that people in my country would have a translation in their language. They were right!
Núria Comas Fornaguera

Mother. Animal lover. Charity runner.
Retired from the private sector because of the pandemic.
Rare disease (systemic scleroderma) patient.
Patient association member and Rare Disease Network representative.
Olcay Soykan

Genealogy is my passion and translating for MyHeritage it’s a great challenge for me.
Olga Szumowska


I started researching my family years ago, and have spent a lot of time in MyHeritage. It has helped me a lot! Many of my relatives don’t know English to join me in the research. I wanted to be able to help translate MyHeritage to our native language.
Paula Kivelä

I am happy to be part of the MyHeritage Translators community and assist in making the product more acceptable to my family and others here in Lithuania.
Paulius Simkunas

Our family is relatively large and we speak several foreign languages during the reunion. It is exciting to build a family tree and get to know more distant relatives with whom we form a blood community. MyHeritage is an excellent tool for this activity.
Pavel Procházka

I have been using MyHeritage for several years.
I thank MyHeritage for giving me the opportunity to join the Translator Community so that altogether will assist thousands of people to find their ancestors and their relatives.
Petros Agapitos

Genealogy is a fantastic experience. To look behind means to understand better what we have, who we are and what we do everyday. It sends you to your origins and makes you feel you are part of all those people.
Pilar Albeniz

I translated movie subtitles years ago, so it seemed natural to me to become a translator at MyHeritage, once I started to build my family tree.
Piotr Grondziowski

My great interest in genealogy research using MyHeritage made it very easy for me to join the Translations Community. I believe it's an important work.
Preben Keim

MyHeritage helped me bring together a dozen relatives with a common goal: build and save our history. Joining the translators is a way to help not only my family members, but all members of my country to have the same joy in their own language.
Rafael Cinquini
Portuguese - Brazil

I have been an active MyHeritage member since 2010 and I am glad in 2022 to get an invitation to join the big translators group!
Ramunas Liubertas

I love to help sharing things in my language. I became a translator when I sent an e-mail where I reported a translation error so they asked me if I wanted to become a translator and I accepted. Being a translator at MyHeritage is something awesome and interesting.

I discovered Family Tree Builder from MyHeritage and the Catalan language was not available. That is why I offered to do the translation.
Raül Miralta i Gamisans

MyHeritage has provided me with a lot of useful information about my ancestors. By joining the team of translators, I hope to help other users find their roots.
Regina Grygas

I'm happy to be a member in MyHeritage family which I use some years with my great family in israel and abroad.
I'm glad to join the big translators group and in my case to Hebrew.
Reuven Shmaya

Born in Nijmegen (NL), I spent nearly 30 years abroad (DE, CH, and ES). As a retired founder/CEO of an international translation agency, I now live in North-Brabant, birth ground to 80 percent of my ancestors. I devote my time to writing non/fiction.
Rolf Wennekes

Being a translator is being part of the wonderful MyHeritage family. We all have the same goal in mind and that's what's making MyHeritage a bit better every day! When I saw the possibility to sign up as a volunteer I took the chance! I love being part of the MyHeritage Community and contributing in my own way.
Roy van der Windt

Seppo Tarvainen

I think I was contacted by telephone and I immediately accepted the offer to become a volunteer translator in order to improve my knowledge of MyHeritage features. Being a translator at MyHeritage is an exciting experience!
Settimo Madami

I was asked by one of the Translations team members to become a volunteer.
Sigurd Kjellberg

Being a translator at MyHeritage is rewarding.
Sven-Erik Stjernman

I like that MyHeritage allows people to create a family tree in their language. I hope to help improve the Slovak version of MyHeritage and, thus, my pedigree.
Svetlana Kišidayová

I was contacted by the MyHeritage Translation team in 2012, who saw that I was an active user on the site. They invited me to help with Danish translations, and I have done that ever since.
Thorkil Bo Bluhme

Tolga Eraymanlı

I have been a voluntary translator for MyHeritage since 2014, and hopefully, this work has reflected the fact that I am a professional journalist and translator. I've always enjoyed translating for MH and keeping in close contact with the Translation Team.
Ulla Plon

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a way to learn a lot about genealogy and also a very pleasant hobby.
Vasco Jorge de Andrade
Portuguese - Portugal

I had a couple of comments about the Czech translations and then I was approached to help with the translations. Being a translator at MyHeritage is to be on the right place for the right thing.
Viktor Langer

I started a family tree project for myself, and found the FTB pretty useful. I then contacted MyHeritage with the aim of correcting the FTB reports.
Viktor Varga

There are not that many applications that help you do something as meaningful as help investigate one's past and show us how interconnected we all are. MyHeritage is constantly reminding me of important things in life.
Vladimir Bošnjak Mihovilović

Joining the MyHeritage Translations Community was very useful to me, for my research and to gain new experience.
Vladimir Kalmykov

I immediately realized that MyHeritage genealogy adventures in our country will be much easier for Czech people in their native language. As English is one of my hobbies, I offered my hand to MyHeritage with translations!
Vladimir Repik

I found information about the Community on the MyHeritage website so I thought I could help other Russian users to use MyHeritage in a more friendly way and I decided to join the Community. Now I'm very proud to be a part of it. It also helps me to practice my English.
Vladimir Yavorovskiy

An Architect with a great passion for history and a better knowledge of "his-story" more likely their stories. Since 2007 do my best not only for MyHeritage content with increasing Slovak docs, but also for people looking for their own roots in this story.
Vlado Bojko

Being a translator at MyHeritage is a privilege that I can correct used expressions to better ones anytime.
Vlasta Knapič

Being a translator at MyHeritage is my little contribution to worldwide community of volunteer translators who helps reuniting relatives and families separated due to economic emigrations, wars and continuously geopolitical border changing.
Vojko Grobovšek

I find it challenging but also meaningful to be a translator at MyHeritage.

One day, while doing my family research, I came across a Russian phrase on the website that looked strange to a native speaker. I realized I might be helpful as a volunteer for the site that has given me so much all these years.
Yana Gurenko

I learned English for about 10 years and have some experience in translating in many sport events in Croatia. For many years I organized the transportation of athletes from all over the world to various sports competitions in Croatia.
Žarko Kalafatić

MyHeritage helped me put together a family tree in a couple of weeks that I had been unsuccessfully trying to organize for a few years. I will help MyHeritage to switch Serbian from Latin script to official Cyrillic script. If Google can do it, so can we.
Željan Rikić

I have been researching my family roots for more than a decade. I have found a lot of help with this activity through MyHeritage and now I am happy to help others as a member of the Translators' Team. It is an honor for me, too.